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Santa's Kindness

This will be the most talked about item of its kind this year.
Santa needs your help spreading kindness and cheer!

Cozy Corner.png
Boxed Gift Set
Ornament and Journal 2
Ornament and Journal 1
Santa's Kindness Journal

This ornament is a child’s direct link to receive daily video messages from Santa!
After scanning the QR code on the ornament with a smartphone or tablet, Santa appears on screen with a daily message and asks children for help sharing acts of kindness, goodness, care and giving. Scan the ornament several times a day for a few surprises from the North Pole. Watch messages each day from the North Pole as you countdown to Christmas.

The journal is for children to use when Santa asks them to draw, write, and play games.
It captures a child's thoughts and drawings in ways you'll always cherish.

Messages begin Dec 1st with multiple daily messages from Santa until Christmas.

All videos are captioned so that those with hearing challenges can still participate.

Messages will be available throughout the year to encourage continued kindness, so be sure to check back in!

Each $39.99 boxed set includes:
1 - Ornament (2"d x 5.5"h x 5.5"w ) and
1 – Hard cover, 80 page journal (8"h x 8"w)


Extra journals are available for purchase ($19.99 each) so each child in the household can have their own.
Ornament illuminates when Christmas tree light is inserted through back.
(light not included)

Santa's Kindness 2
Steps to Use
Journal 1

The QR code will be active each holiday season with new videos and kindness activities. We recommend new journals be purchased each season.​ Demdaco's secure QR code makes sure your data is secure and no personally identifiable information is collected.

For questions, information or to share your stories of kindness, please email or call 888 -336-3226.

Cozy Corner © 2020. Proudly created with

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